Monday, April 11, 2011

1st day of EMU in TAJIKISTAN!!!

After long trip to TAJIKISTAN and having a bit rest, we've started visiting schools, which were totaly ready to meet us in their big holls with fuul of students in uniforms and very kind bahavior!!!
the main information abour EMU  was given in schools #20, 21 and 6. students had many questions, but we tried to get their attention to the links of EMU and our main presentation with refreshments in VEFA CENTER on 16 of APRIL...
We could see that directors, some students and instructors were interested in EMU and they enjoyed presentation given by Tanya in english and Mizhgona in russian...


  1. We hope you're taking plenty of pictures!

  2. Было приятно узнать о вашем EMU, надеюсь что я сдам тесты на английском и поступлю.
